Η IΠΠΟΔΡΟΜΙΕΣ Α.Ε., μέλους του Ομίλου ΟΠΑΠ ΑΕ, καλεί κάθε ενδιαφερόμενο στην υποβολή προτάσεων σχετικά με την εναλλακτική αξιοποίηση των οργανικών αποβλήτων (κόπρος, στρωμνή, υπολείμματα πρασίνου) του Ιπποδρόμου Αθηνών στο Μαρκόπουλο Αττικής.
OPAP S.A. invites all interested parties to submit their bids for the provision of storage services for OPAP SA materials, mainly agent's consumables.
OPAP S.A. invites all interested parties to submit their bids for the provision of distribution services of mainly printed and other materials to OPAP central agents.
OPAP S.A. invites all interested parties to submit their bids for the procurement and the printing of top coated thermal paper rolls, necessary to issue receipts via thermal printers of point of sales terminals located in OPAP S.A's agencies.
OPAP S.A. invites all interested parties to submit their bids for the procurement and the printing of play slips a) for the games
OPAP S.A, invites on behalf of its subsidiary Horse Races S.A, all interested parties to submit their proposal for a Vet Clinic operation in Horse Races premises in Markopoulo, Attika.
OPAP S.A. invites, for the account of OPAP SERVISES SA, all interested parties to submit their bids for the storage services of various materials (mainly printed) of OPAP S.A.
PROCUREMENT AND PRINTING OF NUMERICAL GAMES PLAY SLIPS. OPAP S.A. invites all interested parties to submit their bids for the procurement and the printing of numerical games play slips, necessary to mark customers' choice (mark sense forms) to be entered at terminals
DISTRIBUTION OF VARIOUS MATERIALS TO OPAP S.A. ´s CENTRAL AGENCIES OPAP S.A. invites all interested parties to submit their bids for the distribution of materials