The following apply with regards to the payment of winnings to beneficiary Players:

  1. Gross winnings before taxes amounting up to €999,99 per slip shall be paid to the Player and winning slip bearer exclusively in cash via the Company's Agents’ land-based network.
  2. Gross winnings before taxes ranging from €1.000 to €1.999,99 per slip shall be paid to the Player and bearer of the winning slip, either in cash or via OPAP Agents’ land-based network or upon said Player’s request, on the condition of their being verified by the Agent (by presenting an ID, a passport or any other equivalent foreign document) via the Company's cooperating Payment Services Providers (currently, the National Bank of Greece, Piraeus Bank, and Eurobank S.A.). In connection with the 2nd alternative in particular, the Agent contacted by the Player shall issue and deliver to them (the Player) a payment order stating their ID particulars, which the Player shall present to any of the foregoing Payment Services Providers.
  3. Gross revenues before taxes ranging from €2.000 to €99.999,99 per slip shall be paid to the Player and slip bearer exclusively via the Company's cooperating Payment Services Providers, pursuant to the procedure set out in the foregoing paragraph 2.
  4. Gross revenues before taxes amounting to €100.000 and more per slip shall be paid on the strict condition of the Player and winning slip bearer’s physical presence at OPAP’s headquarters in Athens. In such a case the Player shall submit all the documents and particulars requested by the Company and the competent personnel thereof. Upon completion of the procedure, the Company shall also in this case, as a rule, issue and deliver a payment order to the Player stating their ID particulars, which the Player shall present to any of the cooperating Payment Services Providers (currently, the National Bank of Greece, Piraeus Bank, and Eurobank S.A.).