Company Profile



OPAP S.A. was established in 1958, as a private legal entity, according to P.D. of December 20th 1958, after the authorization was given according to the provision of par. 2, article 6 of L.D. 3865/1958.

With the P.D. 228/1999 (Official Legal Notice Issue Α' 193/21.9.99) and under the article 2 par. 1 of L. 2414/1996 "Modernization of Public Companies and Organizations and other provisions" in addition to the C.L. 2190/1920 "about societe anonyme", OPAP S.A. converted into a Societe Anonyme company and formed its initial statute which was published in the Official Legal Notice on 21.9.1999. The new company name of the organization was defined and the no. 145562 trademark "OPAP at the Service of Athleticism and Culture" (class 16, 36 and 41) has been approved by the Administrative Trademark Committee of the Ministry of Development with decision 4446/2000.

The Company's S.A. Reg. No. is 46329/06/Β/00/15 and its duration was set to 100 years starting on September 21st, 1999 and ending respectively on the same date of the year 2099.

The Company's T.I.N. number is 090027346. OPAP S.A. has been registered to the Athens Chamber of Commerce & Industry with the number 188148.

According to the decision of the Extraordinary General Assembly of the shareholders of the Company, dated 23.12.2003, its registered office was moved to the municipality of Peristeri Attica, 62 Kifisou Str., based upon the ministerial decision with prot. no. Κ2-268/15.1.2004, which approved the amendment of article 3 of the Company's statute. This address constitutes the Company's new registered offices. The Company may establish branches, agencies and offices in Greece and abroad in order to serve its purposes.

The Company's scope today according to article 2 of the Company's statute, approved by the n. 442/16.1.2001 (Official Legal Notice Issue 23/16.1.2001) Joint Ministerial Decision of the Ministers of Economics and Finance and Culture amended in the Extraordinary General Assembly of the Shareholders dated 23/1/2002 (Official Legal Notice Issue 1802/11.3.2000), is the following:

(a) The organization, operation and conduct of the lottery games PROPO, LOTTO, PROTO, PROPOGOAL, JOKER, BINGO-LOTTO, ΚΙΝΟ, SUPER 3, SUPER 4, 5 from 35, in addition to the FIXED OR NOT FIXED ODDS BETTING GAMES, to all individual or collective games as well as incidents whose nature offer the conduct of betting, in addition to other lottery games or knowledge game or technical game or game based upon any combination of the above, that its operation and conduct in the whole country and abroad will be permitted and assigned to the Company in the future. The Company takes all necessary measures in order to secure the disclosure, irreproachable, in addition to the ordinary, unimpeded and reliable conduct of its games.

(b) The management of the games conducted by the Company, in addition to the ones that will be conducted in the future, is exercised exclusively by the Company according to the prevailing ordinances.

(c) The structure of economic, feasibility, technical and commercial studies for lottery or technical or knowledge games or games based upon any combination of the above for domestic and international public or private parties.

(d) The technological support of the lottery games that the Company organizes and operates with the development, installation, operation, management and exploitation of new technologically improved services such as the transferring of data, live coverage and in general a transfer of complete audiovisual information to the points of gaming conduct that the Company has, exploiting all technological progress and specifically, in the technology information system sector, the telecommunications sector and the telematics sector.

(e) Advertising of the games the Company conducts in any suitable way and mean as well as the assumption of sponsorships that serve social or other purposes which can be combined with the Company's publicity and sale promotion of its products.

(f) Printing operations regarding the lottery tickets and other printed matter.

(g) The exploitation of the Company's material and technical infrastructure with the objective to provide services to third parties.

(h) The Company can organize, operate and conduct games to countries abroad, with the condition that the assumption in whatever way of the organization, operation and conduct is done by the Company from an organization of a country based abroad, Public or Private. The Company in that case takes any necessary measures, in order to secure the disclosure, irreproachable, in addition to the ordinary, unimpeded and reliable conduct of the games undertaken by the Company, in a way that their conduct is secure and the Company's reputation and prestige in the gaming sector is not offended, complied to the country's in effect ordinances, in which country the Company will organize, operate and conduct any game.