Despina Georgiadou
I was born on 22 June 1991, in Marousi, Attica. I got to know fencing through modern pentathlon in 2003. I had tried many sports before fencing and what drew me to it was that it is a demanding sport, both physically and mentally. This combination made me feel complete and made my daily training really interesting. Throughout the years I have been competing, I have met many difficulties. The difficulties were of sports nature (bad performance), of health nature (injuries), of financial nature, as well as difficulties related to the combination of school and top-class sport. I overcame all of them, remaining focused on my schedule and thanks to my efforts, but also thanks to the love I have for what I do. I have never thought of giving up, and I consider that every difficulty has been preparing me to fulfill my dreams. What gives me strength to go on is my love for this sport and the absolute confidence in my efforts, as well as my parents, my coach Christos Sainis, my fellow athletes and my friends that are always by my side.
“Effort means to me staying focused on your goals and fighting to achieve them without being discouraged by difficulties and failures. Every failure shall make you stronger.”
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- 2nd Place World Cup, Hammamet
- 3rd Place World Championship, Caire
- 3rd Place Grand Prix, Orleane
- Number 3 in the world Ranging for season 2021-2022